Funeral, Cremation & Bereavement Resources

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Life Assurance vs Life Insurance
Life Assurance vs Life Insurance
Life assurance and life insurance are terms that are often confused. Many people think they are one

Catherine Powell

10 June 2022

What Is an Obituary
What Is an Obituary
When a loved one passes away, you may be asked to write their obituary. You might also decide you’d

Catherine Powell

10 June 2022

Guide to Making Bequests in a Will
Guide to Making Bequests in a Will
If you die without making a Will in the UK, your estate is shared out according to certain rules,

Isabelle Miller

06 April 2022

Comparison Between Traditional Funerals and Direct Cremation
Comparison Between Traditional Funerals and Direct Cremation
One of the most common questions we get asked is – ‘what’s the difference between a funeral and a

Catherine Powell

04 April 2022

The Best Funeral Plan
The Best Funeral Plan
Are you worried there won’t be enough money in your estate to pay for your funeral? Would you like

Catherine Powell

01 April 2022

Guide to Funeral Preplanning: How to Arrange a Cremation
Guide to Funeral Preplanning: How to Arrange a Cremation
Death and dying isn’t something you think about often, even though it’s an inevitable event.

Catherine Powell

01 April 2022

Pure Cremation – a green way to go
Pure Cremation – a green way to go
Have you given any thought to the ‘green’ impact of what happens to your earthly remains?

Charlotte O'Rourke

31 March 2022

Are Prepaid Plans Safe?
Are Prepaid Plans Safe?
If you’ve asked yourself “How safe is a prepaid funeral plan?” this article is for you. The idea of

Charlotte O'Rourke

31 March 2022

Would you attend your own funeral?
Would you attend your own funeral?
Death and dying aren’t something we’re generally comfortable talking about and for many years, it’s

Catherine Powell

30 March 2022

Do You Have to Have a Funeral?
Do You Have to Have a Funeral?
Funerals aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but for some reason, we seem to believe they are essential.

Catherine Powell

30 March 2022

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