Our price

Choose how you want to work with us:


You deliver the coffin to Charlton Park Crematorium and collect the ashes from us (both by appointment).

Make a booking today

To speak to us about a booking, call 0808 147 1918


Keeping things simple for you

You look after the family and the funeral arrangements, as usual, simply swapping the local cremation booking for one with us

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Offering families greater choice

The location and cost of the cremation may be different, but the following examples show how a non-local cremation can increase your flexibility:

No frills required

Some people only want the simplest direct cremation at the lowest possible cost but would prefer to be looked after by a local firm. Our low cremation fees mean that you can say “Yes” to serving these families at a price that they feel good about… yet still achieves a healthy margin for you.

Celebration without the coffin

More people are looking to hold memorial celebrations away from the crematorium and working with Pure Cremation makes this easy to achieve. You are the best advisor to help a family craft a satisfying and personal farewell…while we take care of the cremation.

Traditional ceremony with the coffin

You’ve already arranged funerals where the committal happens at the end of the service and the unaccompanied coffin travels to the crematorium. This more relaxed farewell liberates everyone from the crematorium diary and allows mourners to go straight to the wake…together.

21st Century reassurance

We use hospital-style tracking technology to ensure that the correct remains are returned to you, PLUS  Charlton Park Crematorium uses a ceramic identifying disc to give every family tangible confirmation of the identity of the ashes.


This disc, bearing the cremation number, is placed on the coffin just before it enters the cremation chamber, recovered with the remains afterwards and presented within our unique ashes container. These attractive boxes are made from 100% recycled materials.


Continue doing what you do best

Remember, every family still depends on your expertise for:

Making it easy to arrange things in branch or at home

Local care and preparation of the deceased

Help to choose the right coffin

Viewing in the chapel

Creating a satisfying farewell event

Access to suitable urns and caskets for the ashes

Information about ashes interment and memorialisation options